Monday, July 30, 2012

Aloe-vera based health and beauty products !

For people with illnesses that are interested in Aloe-Vera based products, send me a case study and i will forward it to the Medics. All the products contain a minimum of 96% Aloe Vera. Some of the products are suitabe for kids too!! I’ve tried loads of skin and hair products myself and I absolutetly love them!! Products available for: - Body, hair and facial products (Itchy skin, Spots, Scars, Acne, Redness, Psoriasis, Eczema, Drk skin, Oily skin, Dandruff, Frizz control, etc) - Styling gel (some clients have noticed control of hair loss) - Pain relief (joint pain, muscular pain, migraines, period pain, etc) - Sunscreen - Tanning lotion - Foundations, concealers, blushers, powder, lippy and other make up - WEIGHT MANAGEMENT (loss or gain) - Immune system - Digestion - Joint problems - Deodorant - Nutrients (Vitamins and minerals) - Energy and multivitamins - Honey-based products - Herbal tea - Protein shakes - Blood pressure - Diabetes - And Many More EMAIL ME FOR MORE INFO YOU COULD ALSO ORDER ONLINE AT:


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