Sunday, August 5, 2012

Remy 100% Human Hair Extensions .

Do you.. *Have very short hair and want to go long? *Want Cheryl Cole hair? *Have mid length hair and want more length/volume? *Want some funky highlights? *Have alopecia or thin hair? *Lack volume? Then look no further than eXtreme eXtensions .By using the latest and most safest technologies possible, known as fusion bonding and micro ring hair extensions. We specialise in making thinner hair more volumised and also creating length where needed, transforming short hair to long within no time! ALL HAIR IS MATCHED TO CLIENTS HAIR FOR COLOUR & TEXTURE 100% HUMAN HAIR, YOU CAN STRAIGHTEN, CURL ETC... JUST LIKE YOUR OWN HAIR! VERY COMPETEIVE PRICES AND FREE CONSULTATION. I COULD TRAVEL TO YOU OR YOU COULD TRAVEL TO ME IN BRADFORD. **** SPECIAL OFFER!!!!!!!!!! **** (Micro Rings & Pre-Bonded) **Full Head 18” Human Hair Extensions: 200 **Half Head 18” Human Hair Extensions: 120 - Other lengths available, Prices vary (20”,22”, 24”) (Lots of Shades to choose from) CONTACT : 07854 887553 Quote “Special offer Full Head” or “Special offer Half Head”


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